Our food 1, Tomato
食のリサーチイニシアチブ、Food Atlasの最初の活動として制作した、トマトについての本。トマトの歴史的、文化的、社会的、経済的側面についてのデスクリサーチに加え、日本とオランダで売られているトマトをカットして、断面を観察する実験も行いました。リサーチと実験の結果は、2016年に浜松の「ギャラリーあ」で2週間の展示として発表し、本にはその抜粋を収録しています。
This is the first publication for the research and design project, Food Atlas, which I began with Chizu Ogai. Our goal is to explore and uncover unknown aspects of the food we eat. Our first topic of investigation was the tomato. In Japan and the Netherlands, we conducted spontaneous desk research, delving into the historical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of the tomato. Additionally, we conducted an experiment by dissecting tomatoes sold in both countries and examining their inner structure. We visualized the results and presented them in a 2-week exhibition in 2016 in Hamamatsu, Japan. This publication extracts and highlights the key findings from the exhibition.
It is available in a printed version (shipping only within Japan) and as a Kindle edition.